

Ultrastructure characteristics of uterus sacral ligament fibroblasts under strain
摘要 目的:通过电镜观察成纤维细胞受力后超微结构变化,初步了解盆底组织成纤维细胞应力损伤后形态结构的变化特征。方法:选取北京大学人民医院因子宫良性病变行开腹子宫切除术8例患者,术中切取骶韧带0.8~1cm,以组织块法进行成纤维细胞原代培养,传代后进行细胞加载、加力,利用透射电镜分别观察应力后细胞形态变化和超微结构特征。结果:透射电镜观察细胞持续应力2h后,胞膜表面微绒毛和胞浆皱褶增多,至持续应力12h时达最多,应力24h时有减少趋势。应力2h后,可见胞质中粗面内质网增生现象,分泌泡增多;应力8h,可见线粒体增生,体积增大;应力12h,粗面内质网明显增生,甚至扩张,个别线粒体外室轻度肿胀,呈圆形、长椭圆形或不规则形;应力24h,粗面内质网增生程度较前好转,但部分出现扩张,融合。结论:应力可使粗面内质网、线粒体增生,甚至扩张,可使细胞微绒毛和胞浆皱褶增多,提示可能与细胞合成和分泌蛋白增加以及代谢增加有关,应力可引起细胞骨架的改变。 Objective:Electronic microscopic analysis of the primary culture sacral ligament fibroblasts under stain was done in order to reveal the changes of cell ultrastructure by strain-induced damage.Methods:Eight patients who underwent abdominal hysterectomy for uterine benign lesions were included in the study.0.8~1cm sacral ligament was cut during the operation.Primary sacral ligament fibroblasts were isolated.After mechanical loading,transmission electron microscopy(TEM)was employed to observe the stress changes in ultrastructure.Results:As revealed by TEM,the membrane surface microvilli and cytoplasmic fold increased after stressed for 2 hours.When stressed for 12 hours,the features reached at maximum whereas there was a reduce trend when stressed up to 24 hours.When stressed for 2 hours,proliferation of rough endoplasmic reticulum in cytoplasma was seen with increased secretion of foam.When stressed for 8 hours mitochondria became hyperplasia with increased volume.When stress for 12 hours,rough endoplasmic reticulum appeared more hyperplasia,which was reduced when stressed up to 24 hours.However some portion of the expansion and integration still remained.Conclusions:Stress can lead to the proliferation of rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria,and the increase of the microvilli and cytoplasm,which may be related to increased synthesis and secretion of proteins of the cells.
出处 《现代妇产科进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期806-809,共4页 Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology
基金 卫生部重点学科项目(No:2007) 首都医学发展科研基金项目(No:2007-301122)
关键词 成纤维细胞 细胞力学 细胞超微结构 Fibroblasts Mechanics Cell ultrastructure
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