

Recent progress in relationship between adiponectin and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
摘要 脂联素是脂肪组织分泌的一种新的细胞因子,临床研究已证实其参与了能量代谢过程,与炎症标志物具有相关性,慢性阻塞性肺疾病为一慢性炎症过程,随着病情的进展,出现营养不良,因此考虑脂联素参与了慢性阻塞性肺疾病的病理生理过程。现将脂联素与慢性阻塞性肺疾病关系的研究进展综述如下。 Adiponectin is a novel cytokine secreted from adipose tissue. Clinical observations have demonstrated that Adiponectin is closely related to energy metabolism and possibly is involved in inflammatory pathogenesis. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory course and companied with malnutrition by the development of the disease. Adiponectin might play important roles in the pathogenesis of COPD. In this review, the recent progress in relationship between adiponectin and COPD will be discussed.
出处 《国际呼吸杂志》 2011年第20期1583-1585,共3页 International Journal of Respiration
关键词 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 脂联素 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Adiponectin
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