
咀嚼对无牙颌患者脑血流动力学影响的研究 被引量:4

Effects of the mastication on the dynamics of the cerebral blood flow
摘要 目的观察无牙颌患者咀嚼运动前后脑血流的改变,探讨咀嚼对脑血流动力学的影响。方法应用经颅彩色多谱勒超声扫描仪,探测30名戴用全口义齿3个月内的无牙颌患者,在安静状态下及戴用全口义齿和不戴义齿咀嚼无糖口香糖10min后脑血流速的改变,对大脑中动脉收缩期峰流速、舒张期末峰流速、平均峰流速进行统计分析。结果 30名无牙颌患者咀嚼前脑血流速值均数:收缩期峰流速80.34cm/s,舒张期末峰流速30.30cm/s,平均峰流速48.61cm/s;戴用全口义齿和不戴义齿咀嚼后均数分别为:收缩期峰流速89.54cm/s和93.01cm/s,舒张期末峰流速34.51cm/s和37.30cm/s,平均峰流速53.70cm/s和57.03cm/s。无论是否戴用义齿,咀嚼后大脑中动脉收缩期峰流速、舒张期末峰流速及平均峰流速与咀嚼前相比均有显著性差异(P<0.05);戴用义齿与不戴义齿咀嚼后大脑中动脉平均峰流速有显著性差异(P<0.05),而大脑中动脉收缩期峰流速、舒张期末峰流速无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论无牙颌患者无论是否戴用义齿,都可以通过咀嚼运动使大脑中动脉各期血流速度明显加快。 Objective To investigate the change of cerebral blood flow before and after mastication in patients with edentulous jaw. Methods The blood flow in the brain was measured by transcranial color Doppler analyzer before and 10 minutes after mastication in 30 patients with edentulous jaw.The change in cerebral blood flow,including systolic peak flow velocity(Vs),enddiastolic peak flow velocity(Vd) and mean peak flow velocity(Vm) of middle cerebral artery were analysed. Results The blood flow before mastication(unit:cm/s)was: Vs:80.34,Vd:30.30 and Vm:48.61.The blood flow after mastication with and without full denture was: Vs:89.54 and 93.01,Vd:34.51 and 37.30,Vm:53.70 and 57.03.There was significant difference in Vs,Vd and Vm before and after mastication in all subjects(P0.05).There was significant difference in Vm between using and not using full denture after mastication(P0.05).There was no significant difference in Vs and Vd between using and not using full denture after mastication(P0.05). Conclusion The cerebral blood flow sped up in edentulous patients after mastication with or without full denture.
出处 《北京口腔医学》 CAS 2011年第5期270-272,共3页 Beijing Journal of Stomatology
关键词 咀嚼 脑血流 脑功能 Mastication Cerebral blood flow Brain function
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