

Study of the optimization of control flow in C++ decompiler
摘要 控制流分块是反编译系统中基本的功能之一。介绍了控制流分块方法,分析了C++语言与C语言的区别,指出了现有的控制流分块方法用于C++逆向的局限性,提出了改进C++逆向中流程分块的方法,给出了基于模块特征识别的算法,在部分开源架构中进行实验并取得了较好的效果。 The control flow blocking is one of the basic function of a decompiler system. This paper introduces the methods of the control flow blocking, analyzes the difference between C and C ++ language, points out the limitations of the existing control flow blocking methods for C++ language. The improving method of control flow blocking for the C++ is introduced. An algorithm basd on fuature-recognition is given and it achieved good effects in the experiments on some open-source frameworks.
出处 《电子设计工程》 2011年第21期43-45,共3页 Electronic Design Engineering
基金 国家基础预研项目(2011AC100001C100001)
关键词 逆向工程 反编译 控制流分块 对象类型转换 基本块合并 reverse engineering decompiler control flow blocking object type conversion basic block merging
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