
认知程度对中文版儿童哮喘控制测试量表结果的影响 被引量:8

Influence of cognitive level on the result of Chinese - Childhood Asthma Control Test
摘要 目的探讨患儿及家长对儿童支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)的认知程度对中文版儿童哮喘控制测试量表(Chinese—ChildhoodAsthmaControlTest,Ch—CACT)结果的影响。方法选择支气管哮喘患儿77例,随机分为管理组39例,对照组38例。两组均按2008版全球哮喘防治创议指南对哮喘儿童进行规范化治疗,管理组进行哮喘知识教育,定期随访;对照组儿童未进行哮喘知识教育。入选患儿在治疗前及治疗3个月后分别进行1次Ch—CACT测试及哮喘认知程度问卷填写。结果管理组与对照组在管理前Ch—CACT得分差异无统计学意义(P=0.236);管理后,两组Ch—CACT得分与管理前比较均显著提高(P=0.000);管理组Ch—CACT得分增加值显著高于对照组(P=0.004),认知程度得分增加值亦显著高于对照组(P=0.006);管理后Ch—CACT得分增加值与认知程度得分增加值呈正相关。结论提高患儿及家长对哮喘的认知程度能显著提高Ch—CACT得分,从而提高对哮喘的控制和管理水平。 Objective To investigate the influence of cognitive level on the result of Chinese - Childhood Asthma Control Test. Methods Seventy - seven children with asthma were divided randomly into management group ( 39 cases) and control group(38 cases). All patients received standard treatment according to the global initiative for asthma in 2008. Pa- tients in management group accepted the health knowledge of asthma education by health providers but the patients in control group were not educated. Before treating and three months later of treatment, Ch - CACT and questionnaire of asthma cogni- tive were performed in all children. Results There was no significant difference of Ch - CACT scores at the beginning be- tween management group and control group (P = 0. 236). Comparing with before treating, the Ch - CACT scores were signifi- cant higher in both of group(P =0. 000). Moreover, Ch - CACT and questionnaire score in the management group were sig- nificantly higher than those in control group at post treatment ( P = 0. 004, P = 0. 006). The Ch - CACT score increased was correlated with questionnaire score of asthma cognitive level. Conclusion Enhanced children with asthma and their parents cognition level about asthma can significantly increase the score of Ch - CACT and improve the control level of asthma.
出处 《中国医学创新》 CAS 2011年第32期10-12,共3页 Medical Innovation of China
关键词 认知程度 哮喘 中文版儿童哮喘控制测试量表 Cognitive level Asthma Chinese- Childhood Asthma Control Test( Ch- CACT)
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