This paper selects the provincial per capita GDP, urban and rural residents per capita income in 1990--2009, using Theil index divided by the eastern, central, west and northeast regions to study on Chi- na^s regional disparity track and comparing the difference between the per capita GDP and per capita income regional inequality. The results show that after a significant rise in the first half of the 1990s, China's overall regional disparity drops down in 1995 and 1996, then increases slightly for the period 1997--2003 and has narrowed since 2004. In urban areas, the regional inequality widens rapidly before 1995, and goes in the downward trend in volatility after that. However, rural regional inequality increases overall and does not go down until 2004. Regional per capita GDP regional inequality is significantly higher than that in per capita income, and their changing trends are almost consistent. The gap in rural areas is higher than that in urban areas.
Journal of Xi’an University of Finance & Economics