
英汉语篇“假设-真实”模式对比研究 被引量:4

The Contrastive Analysis of the"Hypothetical-Real" Pattern in English and Chinese Text
摘要 "假设-真实"模式是常见的语篇模式之一,在英语中该模式具有突出的结构特征和明显的词汇标记,以之为参照,可以通过对比分析明晰汉语语篇中"假设-真实"模式所呈现的特点,以及英汉语篇在结构特征、词汇标记等方面出现差异的原因,这在帮助外语学习者发掘该模式特定的语篇组织功能,掌握语篇建构的内在规律,提高理解和组织语篇的能力等方面有着促进作用。 The" Hypothetical-Real" pattern is one common pattern of text. This paper explores the structural features and lexical signals of the pattern in English text and takes it as a reference to analyze the same pattern in Chinese text in order to find the similarities and differences in structure and lexical signals between English and Chinese text. This will help English learners to master the function and organization of this pattern to improve their capability of understanding and organizing the text.
作者 徐欣 苗兴伟
出处 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期40-43,共4页 Foreign Language Research
基金 教育部人文社科研究项目"英汉语篇模式对比研究"(03JB740009) 的阶段性成果
关键词 语篇模式 “假设-真实”模式 对比 patterns of text "Hypothetical-Real" pattern contrast
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