
二语阅读中语境线索水平对词义推测的影响 被引量:31

An Empirical Study of Contextual Richness and Lexical Inference in L2 Reading Condition
摘要 词义推测是二语阅读中附带词汇习得过程的关键环节,受诸多因素的影响。本文研究语境线索水平对三组不同词汇知识水平的学习者的词义推测能力的影响。结果发现:词汇知识水平与词义推测能力之间正相关;误导线索和无线索影响词义的准确推测,且误导线索比无线索更容易导致推测错误;学习者对名词词义推测的准确性显著高于对动词和形容词词义的推测;文本线索水平影响学习者对推测结果的自信心。 Lexical inference is a key step in incidental vocabulary which is acqired through reading. It is influenced by many factors. This study investigates the influence of textual richness upon students at three vocabulary knowledge levels. The result shows that vocabulary knowledge level is positively correlated with lexical inference ability; misdirective and nondirective contexts result in more wrong inferences ; the accuracy rate for the inference of nouns is remarkably higher than the inference rate of verbs and adjectives; textual richness influences learners' confidence in the results of his or her inferences.
作者 王改燕 万霖
机构地区 西安外国语大学
出处 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期94-97,共4页 Foreign Language Research
基金 陕西省社科基金项目"认知语言学框架下的词汇理据解析与二语词汇教学"(11L100) 的阶段性成果
关键词 二语词汇知识水平 语境线索水平 词义推测 自信心 L2 vocabulary knowledge contextual richness lexical inference confidence
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