

Active Power Filter Design Based on IPM
摘要 描述了基于第5代L1系列智能功率模块(IPM)的开关交错有源滤波器(APF)设计。整机采用2片IPM通过开关交错,提高了整机功率,降低了开关损耗及输出开关纹波,提高了直流母线的利用率。给出了整机拓扑结构、控制算法及系统仿真。最后给出了试验数据和实验结果。 This paper presents an interleaved active power fiher(APF) based on 5th generation L1 series intelligent power module(IPM).By adopting two pieces of interleaved switching IPMs,the prototype APF achieved high rated power,low power loss,high bus-bar voltage utilizing rate.IPM features,circuit topology of APF,control approach and system simulation result are introduced.Lastly the testing data, testing result,prototype APF outline are given.
出处 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期94-95,107,共3页 Power Electronics
关键词 智能功率模块 有源滤波器 谐波补偿 intelligent power module active power filter harmonic compensation
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