

摘要 卫生部项目资金监管服务中心前身为卫生部国外贷款办公室,是中华人民共和国卫生部直属事业单位。1983年成立以来组织开展了14个卫生项目和4个农村改水项目,共使用世行贷款14亿余美元,还有大量赠款资金。这些项目在引入资金的同时,引进了国外的先进技术、管理理念和方法,有力地促进了我国与国际金融组织和双边政府在卫生领域里的交流与合作,促进了我国卫生事业的发展,为改善我国人民健康做出了巨大贡献。适应当前卫生工作的需要,2008年7月更名为卫生部项目资金监管服务中心,主要从事卫生领域内、外资项目监管工作,具体负责项目的前期设计论证和项目预算评估、项目实施的指导、监测和绩效考评、项目资金监管信息化建设以及相关人员的业务培训等有关技术支持和服务工作。同时,继续负责世界银行贷款(赠款)及相关国际金融组织赠款卫生项目的管理与执行。 The Center for Project Supervision and Management, Ministry of Health (CPSM, MOH) grew out of the Foreign Loan Office (FLO), MOH, as a non - profit government institution affiliated to Ministry of Health, P.R. China before 2008. Since its establishment in1983, FLO, MOH has engaged in the management of 14 health projects and 4 water supply projects funded by World Bank Loan of more than $1.4 billion and massive amount of grant in total. Not only funds were brought in by the projects, more importantly, international advanced techniques, management concepts and measures were shared in the mean time, through which China health has been strengthened by boosting of the com munication and cooperation between Chinese government and international organizations and/or bilateral governments. These health projects significantly contributed on the improvement of people' s health in China. To respond to the needs of concurrent health development, FLO has been renamed as CPSM, MOH since July, 2008, with adjusted focuses on supervision and management of domestically and internationally funded projects. The basic tasks include project design and appraisal; guidance, surveillance and performa^nce evaluation on project implementation, as well as technical supports and services on the development of information system for project supervision, professional trainings etc. CPSM is continuing with the responsibility of the management of health projects funded by the World Bank and other international donor agencies at the same time.
出处 《医学与社会》 2011年第11期5-5,共1页 Medicine and Society
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