
外侧裂入路显微手术治疗高血压基底节区脑出血12例分析 被引量:3

Lateral fissure approach microsurgical treatment of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglia of 12 cases
摘要 目的:探讨外侧裂入路显微手术治疗基底节区脑出血的特点与效果。方法:分析经外侧裂入路显微手术治疗基底节区脑出血12例患者的临床资料。结果:术后24 h内复查头颅CT,血肿清除率80%以上,GCS均在10分以上,遗留不同程度偏瘫的5例,失语1例。余无明显的后遗症。结论:外侧裂入路显微手术清除基底节区脑出血,是从正常脑沟裂分进。对正常脑组织损伤小,最大限度减少对血管,神经脑组织的损害,能彻底清除血肿,减少并发症,降低致残率,提高患者的生存率及生存质量,是比较有效、值得推广和提倡的手术方法。 Objective Explore the lateral crack into the road microsurgery for the characteristics and the effect JiDeJieOu intracerebral hemorrhage.Methods The road by lateral crack analysis of cerebral JiDeJieOu microsurgery for the clinical data of 12 patients.Results Postoperative 24 hours head CT,hematoma clearance check more than 80%,in 10 or more points were GCS of different extent hemiplegia,legacy in 5 cases,1 case of aphasia.No obvious over the sequelae.Conclusion The lateral crack into the road microsurgery cleared from normal JiDeJieOu cerebral hemorrhage,cerebral ditch crack points into.On the normal brain tissue damage small,minimize the brain tissue of blood vessels,nerve damage,can eradicate hematoma,and less complications,reduce morbidity,improve survival and quality of life,is more effective,and advocate popularization worth of surgery.
出处 《吉林医学》 CAS 2011年第30期6315-6316,共2页 Jilin Medical Journal
关键词 显微手术 脑出血 外侧裂入路 Microsurgery Cerebral hemorrhage Lateral fissure approach
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