Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics and nutriture in gastroscope inspection in 406 children and adolescents diagnosed as digestive diseases. Methods Medical histories and the results of gastroscope inspection were collected in the endoscopy center, Children′s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University from August 2010 to January 2011. The questionnaire investigation was performed. The heights and weights of the children and adolescents were measured by the nurses. The symptoms and results of gastroscope inspection and the nutrition condition of the children diagnosed as digestive diseases were evaluated according to child growth standard made by WHO in 2007. Results A total of 431 children were taken gastroscope inspection, among them 25 children were without complete medical histories. Finally 406 children (94.2%) were enrolled including 313 children aged 6 to 12 years and 93 children aged 13-18 years. ①Chronic recurrent abdominal pain was as the chief complaint in 244 cases with duration over 1 year, 59 cases presented as acute abdominal pain, 40 cases as early satiety after eating and loss of appetite, 15 cases as vomiting after eating and nausea at onset. ② The results of gastroscope inspection were abnormal in 389/406 patients (95.8%), of them 73.3% showed chronic gastritis, 20.1% of duodenum, 2.8% of esophagus and 2.1% of acute gastric mucosal lesions were found. ③BMI of 389 cases with abnormal gastroscopy showed a skewed distribution. Gastric lesions, duodenal lesions and esophageal lesions in children with BMI P 5 accounted for 23.7%(71/300), 16.7%(13/78) and 9.1%(1/11), respectively. HP related chronic gastritis in 67 children with chronic gastritis of BMI P 5 accounted for 38.9% (26/67). ④ Among 243/389 patients with abnormal endoscopic findings in children with chronic abdominal pain, BMI of 40 patients (16.5%) was less than P5. Among 58/389 patients with acute abdominal pain, BMI of 1 case (1.7%) was less than P 5 . Among 39/389 patients with leanness as the chief complaint, BMI of 38 cases (97.4%) was less than P5. Conclusions The original diseases, especially in gastrointestinal diseases need to be ruled out for the school-aged children and and adolescents with clinical symptoms such as chronic abdominal pain or weight loss with unknown causes.
Chinese Journal of Evidence Based Pediatrics