
创伤后脓毒症的治疗现状不容乐观--预警研究值得重视 被引量:13

Treatment of post-trauma sepsis is in a depressing status prediction study——deserves attention
摘要 尽管严重创伤后原发伤处理及支持治疗已取得进展,但创伤后脓毒症的发生率及其引发的病死率仍未降低到可接受的水平。笔者认为,如能早期预测创伤后脓毒症及死亡结局,并对高危伤员实施早期干预措施,则可有效降低创伤后脓毒症的发生率及病死率。未来的发展趋势是: Although progresses in early management of original injury and supporting therapy for the treatment of severe trauma have been achieved,the morbidity and mortality of sepsis following traumatic injury have not been reduced to an acceptable level yet.We suggest that early predictions of both sepsis occurrence and death outcome of post-trauma,and early intervention for high-risk traumatic patients would effectively decrease the morbidity and mortality of post-trauma sepsis.Future work will include screening more accurate parameters and setting up formulae comprising multiple parameters for prediction of post-trauma sepsis.
出处 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第21期2223-2226,共4页 Journal of Third Military Medical University
基金 全军医学科技“十二五”科研重点项目(2011)~~
关键词 创伤 脓毒症 预警 trauma sepsis prediction
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