目前贵州电网电力营销技术支持采用的是地市局集中,以后逐步过渡到省级集中或南网集中,因此,数据安全和业务高可用性及其重要。采用Oracle 10GRAC架构和Oracle 10G DataGuard数据备灾技术,由备库对主库实施备份操作,既保证了业务高可用性、又保证了数据的高安全性。
At present, the electric marketing technology in Guizhou power grid adopts and supports the method of region concentration and graduaUy changing to province concentration or Southern power network in the future. Thus, the data security and service high availability is impressively significant. Adopting the Oracle 10G RAC frame and Oracle 10G DataGuard technology, it enable the spare database to backup for the main database, which not only guarantees the service high availability, but the data high security as well.
Guizhou Electric Power Technology