分析了板坯连铸机电磁搅拌对板坯质量及中厚板力学性能的影响。从铸坯低倍检测可以看出电磁搅拌使用后铸坯内部中心偏析明显改善,中间裂纹得以消除;采用电磁搅拌辊安装在一段末和二段末的方式,负偏析带宽度由原来的10 mm减小到了5 mm左右,正、负偏析带上的成分与熔炼成分相差较小。从轧制钢板结果表明:负偏析带在轧制过程中具有遗传性;负偏析带及周围区域的化学成分在允许波动范围之内,电磁搅拌对中厚板的强度性能影响不大,而延伸合格率有所提高。
The paper describes the effect of secondary cooling zone electromagnetic stirring(S-EMS) on the internal quality of slab and mechamical properties of heavy plate.Macro inspection shows that center segregation and internal crack have been improved and eliminated,after the secondary cooling zone electromagnetic stirring devie are fixed and applied.The width of negative segregated zone will reduce from 10mm to 5mm.And the difference of chemical composition between negative segregated zone and molten steel is relatively small when the electromagnetic stirring rolls of secondary cooling zone are installed at the terminals of the first and second zone.Analysis to steel shows the negative segregated zone has heredity during rolling,the chemical compositions of the negative segregated zone and its adjacent area are within the required range,the effect of secondary cooling zone electromagnetic stirring on strength of plate is small,but elongation improved.
Henan Metallurgy
Secondary cooling zone electromagnetic stirring(S-EMS) Negative segregated zone Layout method Mechanical properties