
垂直等值的应用及最新发展述评 被引量:10

Vertical Scaling:The Development and Application
摘要 由于实际的需求,垂直等值方法在近些年来迅速发展。但从垂直等值方法的整个过程来看,包括垂直等值的选用、双向细目编制、发展性量尺的构建、程序的选择和结果的报告,仍存在大量有待解决的问题。同时,随着其他测量方法的发展与进步,垂直等值与之相结合从而获得了进一步的完善。综观之,垂直等值方法的发展与完善,一方面依赖于各种模型和参数估计方法的改进与创新,另一方面还依赖于研究者对学业发展本质的不断深入认识。 Vertical scaling has developed rapidly in recent years for the practical need. In the perspective of testing, the whole process of vertical scaling including the choice of whether to use vertical scaling or not, the development of test blueprint, the construction of developmental score scale, the relative software and the report were introduced in detail. The progress of vertical scaling was based on both the improvement of the methods and the deeper understanding of the nature of achievement development.
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2011年第5期472-476,共5页 Psychological Exploration
关键词 垂直等值 发展性分数量尺 学业发展 vertical scaling developmental score scale achievement development
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