
英语存在句“there-be”结构隐喻的认知-功能视角 被引量:11

A Cognitive-Functional Interpretation of Metaphors in the English there-be Construction
摘要 系统功能语言学将"there-be"结构称作存在过程,用以表达某物的存在或发生。但这一过程可以表达本应由"物质"、"心理"、"关系"、"行为"或"言语"等过程来实现的概念意义,是一种语法隐喻。文章从系统功能语言学语法隐喻和认知语言学概念隐喻两个视角探讨了这一过程的隐喻表征系统。研究发现,前者更多地关注隐喻式与一致式在及物性结构和信息安排上的差异,后者则侧重于探究这些隐喻背后的认知基础。 Congruently, 'there-be'construction denotes the existence or occurrence of something.Metaphorically,however,it may construe other experiential meanings which are typically representedby processes of 'doing-&-happening','sensing','being','behaving'and'saying'.The paperinvestigates these metaphor realizations from the perspectives of grammatical metaphor in systemic-functional linguistics and conceptual metaphor in cognitive linguistics.It concludes that the systemic-functional approach stresses on the transitivity configurations and information packaging of themetaphorical and congruent variants while the cognitive approach focuses on the cognitive mappingsbetween the BEING domain and other experience domains.
作者 柴同文
出处 《外语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期43-50,112,共8页 Foreign Languages Research
基金 中国石油大学(北京)引进人才科研启动基金"系统功能语言学在综合英语教学中的应用"(QD-2010-05)的资助
关键词 存在结构“there-be” 语法隐喻 概念隐喻 隐喻表征 认知基础 there-be construction grammatical metaphor conceptual metaphor metaphoricalrepresentation cognitive foundation
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