
基于“TUBE”理论的交叉航路设计研究 被引量:1

A cross-route design research based on "TUBE" theory
摘要 针对当前航路网络日趋复杂,航路交叉点越来越多,出现飞行冲突的几率大大增加的问题,提出基于"TUBE"理论的交叉航路设计方法,该设计方法将航路中的航空器抽象为一种流体,当航空器进入航路时采用汇流的方法,离开航路时采用分流的方法,使航空器在飞越航路交叉点时不存在互相穿越的飞行情况,并基于该理论进行了建模计算,计算结果表明该方法的采用可以降低管制员的工作负荷,同时更好地提高民航的运行效率和飞行的安全性. Oriented towards the problems of more and more complex route network, increasing number of intersections in route network and probability of flight conflict, this research proposed a cross-route design method based on "TUBE" theory. The design method regards en-route aircraft as a fluid. The method of convergence is used when aircraft enter the route while the method of diversion is used when aircraft leave the route to avoid crossing of flights when flying over intersections. Modeling and calculation are conducted based on the theory, whose results show that the method can significantly reduce controller workload and improve the efficiency and safety of civil aviation operation.
出处 《河北工业大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第5期39-43,共5页 Journal of Hebei University of Technology
关键词 空域规划 “TUBE”理论 交叉航路 穿越飞行 航路网络 airspace planning "TUBE" theory cross-route crossing flight route network
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