在以医疗为主线的数字化医院建设中,医院利用成熟的信息技术搭建协同办公平台,引入企业OA(Office Automation)办公自动化的工作理念,根据自身行业的特殊性延伸和深化OA内涵,即以实现办公自动化为主,加强工作流建设,优化办公流程,整合医疗动态信息,阶梯状实现院内交流、院内办公和婪助决是的协作管理,实现成本节约、流碍规范和资源利用最大化。
The focus of E - hospital construction is medical treatment. The hospital makes use of the sophisticated information technology to construct the collaborative working platform. According to own specific nature, ,the hospital leads the ethic of OA(Office Automation) into self-development to deepening the OA content, that is, on the base of office Automation to enhance the workflow construction, optimize the business process and integrate the dynamic medical information. Then the hospital realizes the inner contacts, inner working relationship and decision support as the model of ladder shape. At last the hospital achieves the cost savings, process specifications and the usage of resource maximization.