临床护理路径(clinical nursing pathway,CNP)是全新的护理管理模式,是指依据每日标准护理计划,为一类特殊病人所设定的住院护理模式图式。它体现以病人为中心的原则,以护士为主导、需要医生和社会工作者等多学科专业人士参与使护士有预见性的工作,使病人能够了解自己的护理目标,参与护理工作,是最经济有效的护理模式。
Clinical nursing path ( clinical nursing pathway, CNP ) is a new mode of nursing management, which is based on the daily standard nursing care plans, as a kind of special patients the hospital care model schema. It reflects the patient - centered principle, nurse - led, the needs of physicians and social workers and other muhidisciplinary professionals involved in which nurses have predictable, allowing the patient to understand their goals of care, participation in nursing work, is the most economic and effective nursing mode.
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