
基于科研绩效框架(REF)的三种文献计量模式 被引量:5

Three Models of Bibliometrics based on REF
摘要 科研绩效框架(REF)是英国政府提出的一种评估科研的全新理念。论文概述REF评价的主客体,并从精确性、成本效益、行为动机三方面对三种文献计量模式进行比较分析,然后论述其对未来评估体系的影响,认为REF中的引文分析不仅给年轻科研人员带来不公平的影响,而且不适用于所有学科,对不同学科的评价也有局限性。 REF, proposed by British government, is a new idea used in assessment of scientific research. This paper outlines subject and object in its assessment, compares the three models of bibliometrics in terms of accuracy, cost effectiveness and behavioural incentives, and then demonstrates the influence on the assessment systems in the future. Finally, it comes to a conclusion that citation analysis in REF not only has an unfair impact on young researchers, but also inapplicable to all disciplines and has some limitations on the evaluation of different disciplines.
作者 邓荔萍
出处 《新世纪图书馆》 CSSCI 2011年第11期46-49,共4页 New Century Library
关键词 科研绩效框架(REF) 文献计量 科学评价 Research Excellence Framework ( REF ) Bibliometrics Scientific evaluation
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