
西方零售业绿色化研究综述 被引量:2

Review of Western Retail Greening Research
摘要 本文系统梳理了西方学术界关于零售业绿色化的驱动力、影响因素和战略选择等方面的研究文献。零售业绿色化受零售企业外部压力和企业自身利益驱动,影响零售业绿色化的因素主要是外部客观因素和管理者主观因素,尤其是节能环保信息的欠缺和节能环保一般意识的薄弱。零售业绿色化可选择的战略主要是碳中和、取消垃圾填埋、建立绿色伦理标准。笔者认为,运用问卷调查、案例研究、深度访谈等方法,结合环境经济学、博弈论等理论探讨零售企业的绿色文化、绿色管理体系、绿色测评体系等方面是未来的研究重点。 This paper systematically reviews some research literatures of the western scholars on the driving force, influencing factors and strategic choices of retail greening. Retail greening is driven by external pressure and self-interest of the corporate. The main factors that affect the retail industry are external objective factors and subjective factors of managers, especially the lack of information on energy conservation and environmental protection, and the weakness of the general environmental awareness of the managers. The main strategies for retail greening are carbon neutral, landfill cancelling and green standards establishment. We suggest that the future research should focus on green culture, green management system and the green evaluation system of retail enterprises, using methods like questionnaire, case study and in-depth interview by combining environmental economics, and game theory.
作者 舒莉 陈美丽
出处 《湖南商学院学报》 2011年第5期19-23,共5页 Journal of Hunan Business College
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目<全国资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设综合配套改革试验区流通业绿色发展战略研究>(项目编号:09YJA790067)
关键词 零售业 节约能源 环境保护 retail industry energy conservation environmental protection
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