China is in talks with Brazil on lifting trade barriers that would allow the Latin American country to sell it more processed agricultural goods;Brazilian government officials have told the Financial Times. During the negotiations in Brasilia last week with Chen Deming,China's commerce minister,Brazil's government gave Beijing a list of 10 processed goods it wants to start exporting in quantity,such as frozen chicken wings and soyabean oil. 'The relationship with China is so unbalanced, not in terms of value but in terms of what we trade,' one official close to the trade negotiations said.'The Chinese acknowledged this and said they will make an effort to change this.' Iron ore,soyabeans and petroleum account for about 80 per cent of Brazil's exports to China。
China is in talks with Brazil on lifting trade barriers that would allow the Latin Ameri- can country to sell it more processed agricultural goods; Brazilian government officialshave told the Financial Times.