
一种基于数据流驱动的雷达成像系统 被引量:2

A Radar Imaging System Based on Dataflow-Driven
摘要 随着成像雷达性能的提高,构造具有较好的通用性和可扩展性的硬件平台成为实时处理系统的发展方向。传统雷达成像系统采用独立的命令总线实现对系统工作模式及数据流向的控制。由于命令总线与数据总线间的异步关系,在工作模式切换时会造成较大时延。介绍了一种基于数据流驱动的雷达成像系统。该系统采用串行扩展方式,每个处理单元仅用1bit"忙/闲"状态标志就实现了成像原始数据的自由分配,具有扩展方便灵活的显著特点。同时由于命令与实际处理数据同时到达,可以实现工作模式的瞬时切换。 With the development of radar performance, the real-time processing system is required to be more flexible and expandable. For traditional radar, independent command bus is used to modify radar work mode or control data flow. Because the command bus is in asynchronism with the data bus, a considerable delay would be introduced in when switching the radar work mode. In this paper, a radar imaging system based on dataflow-driven has been introduced. With only 1 bit ‘busy/free' flag for each processing unit, the system realized free distribution of data between different units and can be expanded efficiently. Because the command and the data are synchronized, the radar work mode can be switched without any delay.
作者 方志红
出处 《雷达科学与技术》 2011年第5期416-419,共4页 Radar Science and Technology
关键词 数据流驱动 雷达成像 数据总线 命令总线 dataflow-driven radar imaging data bus command bus
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