

The Impact of Reward Programs Redeem on Customer Behavior in Commercial Bank
摘要 为了研究商业银行回报计划的效果,建立了银行活期储蓄客户交易频率和交易规模的多层线性模型,利用银行交易数据对模型进行了实证分析.单因素方差分析表明,兑换过积分的客户与比未兑换过积分的客户交易频繁更高、交易规模更大、客户专一忠诚度更高(p<0.01).最大似然回归分析表明,兑换过积分的客户交易规模有所下降(p<0.01)、销户数量有所上升(p<0.01),交易频率比未兑换过积分的客户增长得更快(p<0.05).未兑换过积分的客户交易规模和销户数量变化不明显(p<0.01). In order to further study the effect of reward programs of commercial bank, the transaction frequency model and the transaction scale model of current savings customer are established and analyzed empirically. One--way ANOVA shows that the transaction frequency, transaction scale and exclusive loyalty of the customers who have redeemed their reward program points are higher than that of not redeeming (p〈0. 01). The maximum likelihood regression analysis shows that the transaction scale of the customers who have redeemed their reward program points is decreased (p〈0. 01), the amount of close account is increased (p〈0. 01) and transaction frequency is increased more quickly than the that of not redeeming (p〈0. 05). Moreover, the transaction scale and the amount of close account for the customers who have not redeem their reward program points do not change significantly (p〈0.01).
出处 《西安工业大学学报》 CAS 2011年第5期492-497,共6页 Journal of Xi’an Technological University
基金 国家自然科学基金(70872087) 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目(11YJC630149) 陕西省教育厅基金(08JK072)
关键词 积分兑换 客户行为 活期储蓄 商业银行 多层线性模型 reward program points redeem customer behavior current deposit commercial bank hierarchical linear model
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