采用FLAC3D有限差分软件,对预应力锚索复合土钉支护结构的开挖支护施工过程进行动态模拟,分析了基坑开挖过程中土体的变形特性,发现土体的水平位移随着开挖深度的增大而增大,但由于锚索的加入,对土体向坑内的倾斜有一定的限制作用。得出基坑水平位移变化曲线基本呈"鼓肚"形状,且土体最大水平位移模拟值和实测值相差0.75 mm,模拟值与实测值非常接近。
The finite difference model of FLAC3D was used to simulate the construction process of prestressed anchor composite soil nailing excavation dynamically,and then the deformation of soil in the process of foundation pit excavation was analyzed.The results show that the horizontal displacement of soil increases with the depth of excavation,and the inclination of soil mass to the pit is restricted as the result of the entrance of the anchor.The horizontal displacement curve of pit was "bulging",and the simulation and measured values are much closed with only 0.75 mm.
Journal of Hebei University of Engineering:Natural Science Edition