目的了解大学生网络成瘾现况,探讨应对策略。方法采用随机抽样的方法,抽取湖南大学在校本科生200名,使用自行设计的调查问卷了解其网络成瘾情况。结果 200名被调查学生中,有79名(39.5%)有轻度或严重的网瘾,男女比为1.2∶1。79名成瘾学生中,68.4%为大学一年级新生,31.6%为大学二年级学生;上网时间平均每天≥4小时的占32.9%;在宿舍、网吧上网同学分别为62.0%和20.3%;63.3%的学生上网时间为晚上。上网目的以娱乐为主(75.5%),学习仅占24.5%,认为可以通过运动、逛街、看书、吃东西暂离网络的分别为36.5%、26.5%、23.5%和13.5%。61.0%的学生表示,出现网瘾后愿意向朋友寻求帮助。网络成瘾者和非成瘾者的上网时间≥4小时的分别为32.9%和18.2%,对网络的控制能力分别为32.9%和57.0%,上述差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论网络成瘾与上网时长成正比,大部分网络成瘾者喜欢晚上在宿舍上网,对网络诱惑的自我控制能力较差。学校应合理安排课程、丰富业余生活,加强网络管理。
Objective To understand the status of Internet addiction in Hunan University,and to explore the strategies for Internet addiction control and prevention.Methods 200 students were selected from Hunan University by random sampling method and were investigated for Internet addiction by questionnaires.Results Among 200 surveyed students,79 students(39.5%) had slight or severe Internet addiction,and the ratio between male and female students was 1.2∶1.Among the students with Internet addiction,68.4% of students were freshman and 31.6% of them were sophomore.Surfing website time of 32.9% students were more than four hours every day.The proportions of students who surfed on website at dormitory and Internet bar were 62.0% and 20.3% respectively.63.3% students were on line at night.75.5% of students' purpose of surfing website were entertainment,24.5% were for learning.36.5%,26.5%,23.5% and 13.5% of students thought they can quit Internet addiction by exercise,shopping,reading and eating respectively.61.0% of students thought they will ask help from their friends for quitting they have Internet.The proportions of surfing website time more than 4 hours/day were 32.9% among Internet addicts and 18.2% among non-Internet-addicts.The proportions of control ability for Internet addiction were 32.9% among addicts and 57.0% among non-addicts.The differences between addicts and non-addicts had statistical significance(P0.01).Conclusion The extent of Internet addiction is proportional to the length of surfing website time.Most of addicts surf on website at dormitory,and most of addicts have poor power of self-control for Internet addiction.University should reasonably arrange for schedule and enrich students' leisure time,and the management for website should also be enhanced.
Chinese Journal of Health Education
University students
Internet addiction
Control ability