目的研究纳米石墨碳对人正常肝细胞系L-02生长状况的影响。方法电子显微镜观察纳米石墨碳颗粒的形态,激光粒度分析仪测定其粒径及Zeta电位;流式细胞术检测纳米石墨碳作用24 h对L-02肝细胞生长周期的影响;电镜观察细胞剖面,用以考察纳米石墨碳颗粒对L-02肝细胞亚显微结构的影响。结果电镜下纳米石墨碳颗粒呈微小球形,粒径在20~50 nm,表面带负电荷,电位值为-14.8 mV;流式细胞检测结果示实验组L-02肝细胞G0/G1细胞百分数低于对照组,G2/M细胞百分数高于对照组,S期细胞百分数高于对照组;电镜观察纳米石墨碳在细胞质和细胞核内均有分布,实验组肝细胞内的线粒体与对照组无明显差异,胞膜核膜均完整。结论纳米石墨碳颗粒促进了L-02肝细胞的增殖,纳米石墨碳颗粒可以很好地进入到L-02肝细胞内部,未见其对细胞亚显微结构造成损伤。
Objective The effect of graphitic carbon nanoparticles (GCNPs) on growth of human L- 02 hepatocyte line was examined. Methods The morphologie characteristics of GCNPs were studied by electron microscopy, and the diameter of particles and zeta potential of GC- NPs were determined by laser particle size analyzer. The influence of GCNPs on vegetative cycle of L - 02 cell line was examined by flow eytome- try. The effect of GCNPs on ultrastructure of L - 02 cell line was studied by observation on L - 02 cell section by electron microscopy. Results GCNPs were revealed as minute globules with 20 -50 nm in diameter, the zeta potential was - 14.8 mV, and epi - GCNPs with negative charge. Flow cytometric examination indicated that percentage of GO/G1 cells of EG was lower than that of CG, the percentage of G2/M cells was higher than that of CG, and the quantity of cells at cycle S was higher than that of CG. GCNPs distributed in both cytoplasm and earyon, and the ultrastructure of cells had no obvious difference contrasted with CG. Caryotheca and cell membrane were all in integrity. Conclusion GCNPs can promote cell multiplication and enter the interior of cell well with no damage to its ultrastructure.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine