Objective:To analysis of maternal hysterectomy related risk factors. Methods: 80 cases of maternal uterine resection. Random 56 cases of postpartum hemorrhage of cesarean section but ending uterus resection 56 cases as control group sample statistical analysis. Results:The incidence of postpartum hemorrhage (4.61%) higher than vaginal delivery rate of postpartum hemorrhage (3.28%), caesarean hysterectomy rate (0.18%) than vaginal delivery rate of postpartum hemorrhage (0.03%), and there are statistically significant differences (P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion:Improving delivery technology and was hospitalized the childbirth rate, is effective in decreasing the mortality rate of hysterectomy vaginal delivery and the inevitable choice in childbirth period, fully prepared, the timely removal of the uterus, is the effective means for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage.
Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine