
约束理论视角下农村金融问题的探讨 被引量:2

Discussion on Rural Finanical Problems From the Perspective of Theory of Constaint
摘要 农村金融服务机构少,服务效率低,导致农村大量资金透过现有的商业金融组织流向了城市,不利于农村的再生产,也使农村资金极度缺乏,农民贷款困难,高利贷等活动盛行。针对农村金融存在的问题,运用内生经济增长理论中的帕加诺模型(Pagano),对1983到2008年农村金融发展趋势、农村生产总值、农村金融规模及农村金融效率3者间的关系进行实证分析。研究表明,农村金融规模与农村经济产出存在一定的正向关系,即农村金融规模的扩大对农村经济的发展起促进作用;农村金融效率则与农村经济增长负相关。我国农村发展还处在以金融规模量的增加来带动经济发展的阶段,但是在金融规模扩大的同时,效率却在逐年下降。农村金融效率低制约了农村金融规模的扩大对农村经济发展的促进作用,使得农村金融对于农村经济发展的支持在一个较低的水平上进行。对此,针对农村经济发展的基本前提,提出了2种解决思路,并借鉴日韩经验,指出通过推进新农村建设时应进行"组织创新",将分散的农民聚集起来形成农村合作组织,降低交易成本,外生性转变为内生性的金融支持。让农村金融市场更加市场化,将使农村金融效率问题得以有效解决。 Inadequate rural financial servives and low service efficiency lead to the situation that a large sum of maony flow to urban areas from commercial banks.The situation makes against the development of rural production and causes the extreme lack of rural capital,difficuties in loaning and the prevalence of uaurious loan.In view of the problems exsit in rural financial system,the rural financial developmental trend,rural gross production,rural financial scale and rural financial efficiency from 1983 to 2008 are empirically analyzed by using the Pagano model in endogenous growth theory.The research assume that,rural financial scale has positive relation with rural economic output,that is to say,the expansion of rural fiancial scale can facilitate the development of rural economy;the rural financial efficiency has negative relation with rural economic development.In Chinese rural areas,the economic developmet still relies on the expansion of rural fianance.However,at the same time of increasing the financial scale,the efficiency of rural finance is deceasing gradually.Thus,the support of rural finace on rural economic growth lays at the low level.Therefore,in view of the basic rerequisite of rural economic development,two solutions are adopted and Japanese and Kereaon experinces are used.The measures are as follows.First,conducting organization innovation through promoting new village construction and gathering dispersed farmers to form rural cooperative organization to reduce trasaction cost.Second,transforming financial support from exogeneity to endogenity and marketizing rural finance so as to effectively solve the efficiency of rural finance.
机构地区 江南大学商学院
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第31期19535-19536,19539,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于‘公司+农户’模式的食用农产品供应链契约设计研究"(70901034)
关键词 农村金融 帕加诺模型 约束理论 组织创新 Rural finance Pagano modelm Theory of constraint Organization innovation
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