
基于平行坐标的可视化多维数据挖掘的研究 被引量:3

Research on Visual Data Mining Based on Parallel Coordinate
摘要 可视化数据挖掘是将数据可视化与数据挖掘两个技术相结合,在其实现的多种方法中,平行坐标法是其中一种最直接同时也是研究最早的一项技术,它是在二维空间中以平行坐标的形式来表示N维数据从而实现把数据仓库中数据挖掘的结果或过程以图形呈现出来。通过对其实现方式上的研究,结合C#编程技术,提出一个初步的模型,分析平行坐标法相比其他方法的优缺点。 Visual data mining is the integration of data visualization and data mining technology, there are a variety of methods in its implementation, the parallel coordinate method is one of the most direct but also the earliest study. It can present the N-dimensional data in the two-dimensional space in the form of parallel coordinates, through this it presents the results of data mining or the process from the data warehouse graphically. Proposes an elementary model through combination of the study of the way of its implementation and C# programming techniques, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the parallel coordinates compared to the other methods.
作者 路燕梅
出处 《现代计算机》 2011年第20期16-19,29,共5页 Modern Computer
关键词 可视化 数据挖掘 平行坐标 模型 Visualization Data Mining Parallel Coordinate Model
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