
A modified heat source model for rotating arc welding 被引量:2

A modified heat source model for rotating arc welding
摘要 A modified mathematical model of heat source for rotating arc welding (RAW) process was developed for investigating the heat and temperature distribution. The characteristics of temperature field based on the complex welding motion trajectory were studied. In this work, a transient three-dimensional ( 3D ) model was established and computed by a finite element analysis computer program MARC as well as its subroutine. In RA'W process, the temperature changes in the style of stepladder. Moreover in the high temperature zone, there are multiple peak temperature points. These characteristics of temperature distribution are induced by the arc rotating which leads the repetitive heating or fasing during the welding process. In contrast with non-rotating arc (NRAW) process, the width of temperature distribution enlarges, and the peak temperature of weld pool decreases. Good agreement is shown between the computed results and experimental results of thermal cycle in RAW process. A modified mathematical model of heat source for rotating arc welding (RAW) process was developed for investigating the heat and temperature distribution. The characteristics of temperature field based on the complex welding motion trajectory were studied. In this work, a transient three-dimensional ( 3D ) model was established and computed by a finite element analysis computer program MARC as well as its subroutine. In RA'W process, the temperature changes in the style of stepladder. Moreover in the high temperature zone, there are multiple peak temperature points. These characteristics of temperature distribution are induced by the arc rotating which leads the repetitive heating or fasing during the welding process. In contrast with non-rotating arc (NRAW) process, the width of temperature distribution enlarges, and the peak temperature of weld pool decreases. Good agreement is shown between the computed results and experimental results of thermal cycle in RAW process.
出处 《China Welding》 EI CAS 2011年第3期57-62,共6页 中国焊接(英文版)
基金 Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51005141 ).
关键词 rotating arc process temperature distribution finite element analysis rotating arc process, temperature distribution, finite element analysis
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