
回转旋臂式船用起重机的动力学分析与建模 被引量:34

Dynamics Analysis and Modeling of Ship-mounted Boom Crane
摘要 对一种回转式船用起重机系统,采用拉格朗日分析方法建立动力学模型。在固定于船体的非惯性系中,应用拉格朗日方法,计算出吊车系统的相对动能,并将系统的惯性力加入各自由度的广义力中,分析得到旋臂运动与负载摆动的动力学方程。建立的动力学模型不但描述吊车控制量以及旋臂回转、俯仰力矩与吊绳张力对系统状态的影响,而且充分考虑船体本身受海浪作用产生的6自由度运动对吊车系统状态的影响。此外,这种模型结构相对简单,便于对系统进行动力学特性分析与控制器设计。通过仿真试验验证了系统的部分运动学特性。 The dynamic model of a kind of boom crane mounted on ships is established.The relative kinetic energy is calculated in the non-inertial coordinate frame fixed on the crane ship.Introducing the inertial force,the Lagrange's equations successfully depict the movement of the system consisting of the boom and payload,which is impacted not only by the control forces:the luffing and slewing moments of the boom and the rope's strain,but also the 6 degrees of the crane ship's movement mainly caused by ocean wave.The structure of the obtained model is suitable for the dynamics analysis and controller design for the system.Some kinematic features are demonstrated by the provided simulation results.
出处 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第20期34-40,共7页 Journal of Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(60875055) 天津市应用基础研究计划(07JCYBJC05400)资助项目
关键词 船用起重机 动力学建模 欠驱动系统 Ship-mounted crane Dynamics modeling Underactuated system
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