GeoEye-1卫星传感器采用三线阵CCD扫描传感器,拥有空间分辨率高、单景影像地面成像面积大等诸多优点。本文以澳大利亚霍巴特市作为实验区,在ERDAS LPS平台下,结合国家航测规范,试验研究了不同地形和GCPs条件下应用GeoEye-1影像制作DOM的精度及误差分布情况。通过试验我们对应用GeoEye-1影像制作DOM的精度、效率、效益、适应性、作业流程有了客观的认识和评价,为GeoEye-1影像应用于DOM生产中提供了技术支持。
GeoEye-1 satellite is an important milestone during the development of images with high-resolution, and GeoEye-1 sat- ellite sensors adopt three-line array CCD scanning sensors, what's more, it has a good many advantages such as high-spatial resolution, large ground coverage area of single-scene. Using the parameters of RPC model which the image possessed itself can do the orthorectification and three-dimensional mapping easily. The paper took Hobart ( a city of Australia ) as an experiment area, and the experiment studied the precision and error distribution of DOM produced from GeoEye-1 images under different condition of terrain and GCPs, which combining the National specifications of aerial surveying with the platform of ERDAS LPS. An objective understanding and evaluation of the accuracy, efficiency, benefit, adaptability and the workflow of DOM produced from GeoEye-1 images was obtained by experiment, and it would provide reliable basis and technical support for DOM produced from GeoEye-1 images.
Science of Surveying and Mapping