
当国族文物与象征经济相遇:二次战后迄今台北故宫博物院之象征修辞变迁研究 被引量:1

When National Antique Meets Symbolic Economy:The Rhetoric Transformation of Taipei National Palace Museum
摘要 本研究以战后台湾故宫博物院的设计与发展历程为经,文化认同变迁为纬,讨论战后台湾宫殿式建筑作为主流文化意识的内涵及转化在当代建筑史与城市文化资本转化过程中的意义。本论文分成两个部份书写,首先,将对故宫的迁移与在台生根的历程进行考察,这不仅仅是一段颠沛流离的历史,同时也是清室宫廷珍品,转为国族国家文化象征代表的过程,期间经历国共内战、中日战争、冷战与解严、到城市文化资本,披着宫殿式建筑外衣却在不同时空赋予不同的观看形式与意义。接着,本文将讨论向度延伸到晚近10余年来方兴未艾的博物馆精品化趋势,故宫在2001年以降大幅度的经历改装与美学经济精品化导向,在台北城市的资本积累模式转变与文化经济脉落下作为"城市门面",以文物符号作为城市重要的文化资本,其如何与城市意义的形构相互塑造并互为穿透?这建筑群作为文物与文化容器的体现,呈现了何种新的解读与意义?又中介了何种现代性经验? The paper explores the meanings of ruling culture and the transformation process of Taipei National Palace Museum from postwar Taiwan to the first decade of 21 century.From the very beginning,the National Museum was established for national heritage preservation and identity education in the KMT government's identity discourse.Its Eclecticism building style and the abundant ornaments acted as the national character rhetoric.But the museum's role has been shifted due to the urban economy and identity struggle since the 1980s.The function of the National Museum has become not only a heritage presentation container but also a very important part of urban capital accumulation machine and cultural economy.The paper is divided into two parts.The first part focuses on the historical transformation of the museum from Qing Empire's private collection system to the KMT government's national cultural heritage,and further to the diverse rhetoric meanings in different historical context,from cold war,post cold war to cross national urban cultural competition period.The second part focuses on its interior renovation,exhibition mode reconstruction,and the BOT boutique restaurant project started from 2001.The new trend has already shifted the function of Taipei National Palace Museum from culture creativity asset to Taipei's facade for symbolic/economy accumulation.How has the symbolic meaning changed in the transformation process? What is the modernity experience produced in the changing process? These are the main questions that will be explored in the second parts of analysis.
出处 《南方建筑》 2011年第4期78-85,共8页 South Architecture
关键词 故宫博物院 中华文化复兴运动 宫殿式建筑 美学经济 文化资本 象征经济 故宫精品 Taipei National Palace Museum Chinese Cultural Revival Movement Palace architecture aesthetic economy cultural capital symbolic economy National Palace Museum Boutique
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