
A Review and Some Reflections on the Three Campaigns of lntra-Party Intensive Education since the New Century

A Review and Some Reflections on the Three Campaigns of lntra-Party Intensive Education since the New Century
摘要 21世纪以来,中国共产党相继开展了农村“三个代表”重要思想学习教育活动,以实践“三个代表”重要思想为主要内容的保持党员先进性教育活动和深入学习实践科学发展观活动。通过这三次活动,广大党员、干部受到深刻的马克思主义教育,进一步增强了对“三个代表”重要思想的认识。这三次活动对于在新的历史起点上推进党的建设的伟大工程,具有十分重要的启示意义。 In the new century, the Communist Party of China has successively launched three campaigns of intra-Party intensive education: the important thought of the Three Represents education campaign in rural areas, the Party-wide education campaign to maintain the vanguard nature of Party members mainly by putting the important thought of the Three Represents into practice and the campaign to intensively study and apply the Scientific Outlook on Development. Through these activities, the majority of Party members and cadres have received profound Marxist education, further deepening their understanding of the important thought of the Three Represents. The campaigns advanced the great project of Party building at a new historical starting point, and are thus of inspiring significance.
作者 Ouyang Song
出处 《Social Sciences in China》 2011年第4期40-51,共12页 中国社会科学(英文版)
关键词 中国共产党 “三个代表”党的建设 Communist Party of China, the Three Represents, Party building
分类号 C [社会学]
  • 相关文献


  • 1Jiang, Zemin. "Always Ensure That the Three Represents Are the Foundation for Building the Party, theCornerstone for Its Exercise of State Power and the Source of Its Strength"(始终做到“三个代表”是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源).In Selected Works of Jiang Zemin(江泽民文选),vol. 3.Beijing: People's Publishing house, 2006.
  • 2The Party Literature Research Center of the CPC Central Committee. Selected Important Documentssince the Sixteenth CPC National Congress(十六大以来重要文献选编),vols. 2 and 3. Beijing:Central Literature Publishing House, 2006.








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