
The Contemporary Construction of Chinese International Law Discourse 被引量:3

The Contemporary Construction of Chinese International Law Discourse
摘要 当代中国国际法学的话语体系,一方面,必须准确、系统、全面表达和传递国际法基本原则、基本制度和本质特征以及国际法研究过程中逐步确立和发展起来的核心价值、基本概念、关键术语、主流的理论或学说、具有代表性的观点等基本要素;另一方面,应充分、及时体现中国对国际法、国际法学和国际法学话语体系所作出的创造性贡献。当代中国国际法学话语体系的构建应以“构建和谐世界”为指导理念,应全面顾及国际法治和中国外交政策及其实践的国内、多边、区域和双边等四个基本层面,应遵行、符合或顺应国际关系和国际法的基本准则,全球化与多边主义、区域一体化与区域主义、国际共同体义务(或权利)和中国和平发展需要等原则、规律或趋势,应将其基本功能定位为:推动当代国际法的不断发展和广泛适用,促进当代国际法的教学、研究和传播,推进中国的法治进步,维护中国利益、尤其是国家的核心利益并提升中国作为负责任大国的国际形象与地位。 The contemporary construction of Chinese international law discourse, on the one hand, ought to precisely, systematically and completely express and communicate fundamental principles, main regimes and substantial features of international law as well as core values, basic conceptions, key terms, mainstream theories or doctrines and representative views gradually established and developed in the study of international law; on the other hand, it should fully and in a timely way manifest China's creative contributions to international law and its discipline and discourse. The framework of contemporary Chinese international law discourse should take "building a harmonious world" as the guiding rationale; thoroughly cover the four basic dimensions of the international rule of law and Chinese foreign policy and its practice, namely domestic, multilateral, regional and bilateral; coincide with, follow and respect those rules, natural laws and tendencies such as fundamental rules governing international relations, globalization, multilateralism, regional integration and regionalism, the international community's obligations (or rights) and China's needs for peaceful development. It should orient its basic functions toward promoting the continuous development and wide application of contemporary international law as well as its teaching, study and dissemination, stimulating the progress of the rule of law in China, protecting Chinese interests, especially those core national interests, and strengthening China's international image and status as a responsible big country.
出处 《Social Sciences in China》 2011年第4期78-91,共14页 中国社会科学(英文版)
关键词 中国国际法学话语体系 当代国际法 多边主义 区域主义 国际共同体义务 Chinese international law discourse, contemporary international law,multilateralism, regionalism, international community obligations
分类号 C [社会学]
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  • 1《美对我汇率问题立场有所松动》,《参考消息》2005年5月29日.
  • 2Antonio Casses, International Law, Oxford University Press, 2001, p.5
  • 3Sir Arthur Watts KCMG QC, The Importance of International Law, in Michael Byers ( ed. ), The Role of Law in International Politics, Oxford University Press, 2000, p.7,15.
  • 4Philip Allot, The Concept of International Law, in Michael Byers ( ed. ), The Role of Law in International Politics-Essays in InternationalRelations and International Law, Oxford University Press, 2000, p.69.
  • 5“和平、发展、合作——李肇星外长谈中国新时期中国外交的旗帜”,http://www.fmpre.gov.cn/chn/wjdt/zyjh/t208030.htm,2005年11月6日访问.
  • 6Antonio Casses, International Law, Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. 11 - 12.
  • 7http://www.un.org/chinese/millenniumgoals,2005年11月4日访问
  • 8《2005年世界首脑会议成果》,第17段,http://www.un.org/chinese/summit2005/outcom.htm,2005年11月18日访问
  • 9联合国秘书长高级别小组的报告:《一个更安全的世界:我们的共同责任》(提要),http://wwwun.org/chinese/secureworld/text_summary.htm,2005年11月20日访问.
  • 10联合国秘书长的报告:《大自由:实现人人共享的发展、安全和人权》,第17段,http://www.un.org/chinese/largerfreedom/report,html,2005年11月20日访问.











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