
Academic Discourse Right/Power and the Development of Chinese Sociology 被引量:1

Academic Discourse Right/Power and the Development of Chinese Sociology
摘要 作为“权利”的学术话语权,主要有创造更新权、意义赋予权、学术自主权等类型;作为“权力”的学术话语权,主要有指引导向权、鉴定评判权、行动支配权等类型。这些也体现在中国社会学百余年的发展历程中。在中国社会学初创阶段,严复等人在社会学本土化和学术话语创新方面进行了尝试。费孝通经历了中国社会学前期发展阶段近20年及后期56年全过程,其学术历程对于中国社会学发展史具有典型意义。在理论自觉基础上努力达致学术话语权的制高点,是中国社会学从世界学术格局边陲走向中心的一条必由之路。 As a kind of right (quanli 权利), academic discourse rights include the right to create and innovate, to endow with meaning and to academic autonomy. As a kind of power (quanli权力), it refers to the power to guide, judge, control and so on. These rights and powers have been pursued as Chinese sociology developed for over a century. At the inception of sociology in China, Yan Fu and other scholars experimented with localizing sociology and innovating academic discourse. Fei Xiaotong's life covered nearly 20 years of Chinese sociology's early development and another 56 years of its later development; his academic journey epitomizes the historical development of Chinese sociology. The only way for Chinese sociology to move from the periphery of world academia into the center is to endeavor, on the basis of theoretical self-consciousness, to seize the commanding heights of academic discourse rights.
出处 《Social Sciences in China》 2011年第4期92-105,共14页 中国社会科学(英文版)
关键词 学术话语权 中国社会学 理论自觉 学术话语 academic discourse right/power, Chinese sociology, theoretical self-consciousness, academic discourse
分类号 C [社会学]
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