
山东省血液中心2006~2010年机采成分血和献血者队伍分析 被引量:4

Analysis on the status of apheresis blood and blood donors during 2006 ~ 2010 in Blood Center of ShandongProvince
摘要 目的对山东省血液中,心2006。2010年机采成分血和机采献血者队伍状况进行分析,为今后的机采成分血采集及其献血者招募提供指导与参考。方法用唐山计算机软件中的统计模块统计2006.2010年的机采成分血和献血者资料.用EXCEL、SPSSl7.0进行数据分析。结果机采血小板的采集量逐年增长,机采粒细胞的采集量逐年减少;机采血小板血型比例A型、B型、O型和AB型之间基本保持在3:3:3:l;除2006~2007年外,2007—2010年单次捐献双份成分血的比例逐年升高,各年问差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);2006年有机采成分献血者1512名,2007年达到2329名,2008—2009年献血者均在2100名以上。2010年又降为1624名;每年多次(≥3次)献成分血的献血者比例由2009年的31.75%(723/2277)上升到2010年46.06%(748/1624)。有统计学意义(P〈0.05),2006—2009年问无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论济南市省级医院临床机采成分血需求明显增加;机采无偿献血者队伍建设取得了部分成效,多次献血及单次双份献血比例增加,因而献血者队伍需求趋势明显.今后工作形势不容乐观。 Ob.jeetive To analyse the status of apheresis blood and blood donors during 2006 - 2010 in Blood center of Shandong province, to provide further direction and reference for later apheresis blood collection and the donors recruitment. Methods Statistic module of Tangshan computer software was used to sum the data of apheresis blood and blood donors during 2006 - 2010 and EXCEL,SPSS17.0 were used for further analysis. Results The quantity of apheresis platelet was inereasing, however the quantity of apheresis granulocyte was decreas- ing ; The proportion of A, B, O and AB blood type was holding at 3 : 3 : 3 : 1 ; Except 2006 ~ 2007, the proportion of donating double quantity a- pheresis platelet once was rising in 2007 ~ 2010, there was statistical significance between 2007 ~ 2010( p 〈 0.05) ;There were 1512 donors in 2006 to participate in donating apberesis blood, the number of donors reached 2329 in 2007, and in 2008 ~ 2009 the number was aU above 2100, however it fell to 1624 in 2010;The proportion of regular donating aphcresis blood at least 3 times in one year was going up to 46.06 % (748/1624)in 2010,compared to 31.75% (723/2277)in 2009,there was statistical difference(p 〈 0.05) ; There was no statistical difference between 2006 ~ 2009 (p 〉 0.05). Conclusion The demanding of apheresis blood of the provincal hospitals in Jinan was increasing; the propor- tion of regular donating apheresis blood and donating double apheresis blood once was increasing; donors recruiting was progressing, however with increasing demanding of aphcresis blood, we are urging to recruit more donors.
机构地区 山东省血液中心
出处 《医学检验与临床》 2011年第5期59-61,共3页 Medical Laboratory Science and Clinics
关键词 机采数据分析 机采血小板 机采粒细胞 Apheresis data analysis Apheresis platelet Apheresis grantrloeyte
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