

On the rainbow 2-connectivity of graph n-cube
摘要 边着色图中的一条路称为虹当它的边着色各不相同.如果一个图的任意两点间存在k条内部不交的虹,则称该图为k-虹连通图.记rCk(G)为使图G为k-虹连通图的最小色数.本文考察了一类特殊图n-方体,在k=2时,有rC2(Qn)=max{4,n},n≥2. A path of a graph with colored edges is called rainbow if each of its edges has a different color.Graph G is called rainbow k-connectivity if there exist k internally disjoint u-v rainbow paths for every two distinct vertices u and v of G.The rainbow k-connectivity rCk(G) of G is defined as the minimum integer j for which there exists a j-edge-coloring of G such that G is a rainbow k-connectivity graph.In this paper,we consider a special graph n-cube and restrict k to 2.We show that for n≥2,rC2(Qn) = max{4,n}.
作者 朱尧兴
出处 《苏州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第4期14-17,共4页 Journal of Soochow University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 supported by Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology(Y201145)
关键词 边着色图 k-虹连通 n-方体 edge-colored graph rainbow path rainbow k-connectivity n-cube
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