
国内物理学期刊arXiv自存档论文的引用优势研究——以Frontiers of Physics期刊为例 被引量:7

Citation Advantage of arXiv Self-archiving Articles Published in Domestic Physics Journals——Taking Frontiers of Physics as an Example
摘要 对2008-2011年发表于Frontiers of Physics期刊上的161篇论文进行数据分析,发现13.66%的论文进行了arXiv自存档,自存档论文被引用的比率是非自存档论文的2.24倍,篇均被引频次是非自存档论文的6.06倍,高被引优势为400%,在出版者网站上其篇均下载次数比非自存档论文高约11%。建议国内物理学期刊出版者加强网站建设,在获得作者授权情况下代替作者完成arXiv自存档以及利用arXiv辅助约稿,充分利用arXiv平台提升期刊引用水平。 An analysis of 161 articles published in Frontiers of Physics from 2008 to 2011 indicates that 13.66% articles deposited in the arXiv received 2.24 times cited opportunity, 6.06 times more citations on average, 400% highly cited advantages and 11% more downloads from publisher' s Website than non-deposited articles. Strengthening publisher' s Website, archiving for authors under writ- ten permissions and inviting papers using information from arXiv are suggested to improve citation rates of domestic physics journals.
作者 王欣 董洪光
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第22期144-148,共5页 Library and Information Service
关键词 ARXIV 自存档 引用优势 FRONTIERS of PHYSICS arXiv self-archiving citation advantage Frontiers of Physics
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