通过建立平行语料库进行定量分析,并结合问卷调查,探讨国内英语专业研究生对话语标记语well,so,like,you know的习得情况。研究结果表明,与英语本族语者相比,国内英语专业研究生对话语标记语well,so,like和you know的使用频率偏少且对语用功能不够熟练,有过于依赖so的倾向。并指出这种现象与国内使用的英语教材及英语课堂教学内容相关,最后对英语教材及教学改革提出了建议。
The present article explores the acquisition of the discourse markers(DMs) well,so,like,you know among Chinese English-major Postgraduates by quantitative analysis of two parallel copra combined with a questionnaire survey.The research results show that in using the four DMs Chinese postgraduates are quite different from the native speakers.To be specific,they are unfamiliar with their pragmatic functions,use the four DMs less frequently and tend to rely too much on the single DM so.This unsatisfactory situation can be partly explained by the negative influence of the English textbooks and the formal teaching,and therefore,it is urgent to recompile the textbook and reform the educational system.
Journal of Xinyu University