
肌激动器的临床应用与研究 被引量:3

Clinical application and research on activator
摘要 肌激动器是功能矫治器的一类,主要用于矫治生长发育高峰前期或高峰期的安氏Ⅱ类错畸形,并能获得良好的临床效果,从而受到国内外学者的关注。本文对此类矫治器的矫治时机、临床应用的注意问题、改良设计、对骨和牙槽骨的效应、对颞下颌关节和咀嚼肌运动的影响及其稳定性作一综述。 The activator is one of the functional appliances.Activator could be used to correct Angle class Ⅱ malocclusion before growth or at growth period,and eventually,conduce desirable effects.Nowadays,scholars and clinical dentists from all over the world pay a great deal of attention to different kinds of activator.This review concentrates on the effects of activators,which consist of correction timing,matters needing attention for clinical application and modified design.Moreover,it is indicated here that bone impacts and the effects on the activities of masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joints should be considered gravely,and also the long-term stability of the effects after activator treatments.
出处 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS 2011年第6期725-729,733,共6页 International Journal of Stomatology
关键词 肌激动器 安氏Ⅱ类错畸形 功能矫治器 activator Angle class Ⅱ malocclusion functional appliance
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