
一种基于价格和效用的帧聚合策略 被引量:1

Frame Aggregation Scheme Based on Pricing and Utility
摘要 MAC层帧聚合是改善无线网络信道利用率、提高频谱效率的有效方法之一。将定价策略和排队论模型引入到IEEE 802.11系列MAC协议的帧聚合策略中,以平均时延作为主要QoS(Quality of Service)指标,在满足业务流最大时延约束基础上,从用户效用和网络效用两个方面研究价格及网络效用的优化问题。此外,还分析了包平均到达率与平均时延的关系。仿真结果表明:所提出的基于定价和效用的帧聚合策略是有效的,可以提高系统平均吞吐量,减少端到端平均时延。 Frame aggregation in the MAC(Media Access Control) layer is one of the most efficient methods to improve the channel utility and spectral efficiency of wireless networks.This paper introduces the pricing scheme and queue theory into frame aggregation of the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol.Meeting the maximum time delay constraint of streams and using the average time delay as a main QoS(Quality of Service) criterion,optimization of the price and network utility is investigated in the aspects of user utility and network utility.Additionally,the relationship between the packet arrival rate and the average time delay is analyzed.Simulation results show that the proposed frame aggregation scheme based on pricing and utility is effective,which can improve the average system throughput and decrease the end-to-end delay.
出处 《铁道学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期46-50,共5页 Journal of the China Railway Society
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60772085)
关键词 帧聚合 网络效用 定价策略 QOS 排队论 frame aggregation network utility pricing scheme QoS queuing theory
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