
高校学生评教工具的结构与维度 被引量:3

Structures and Dimensions of College Student Evaluations of Teaching Effectiveness
摘要 高校教学管理部门自制的评教问卷目前仍是被广泛使用的学生评教工具,这些问卷的结构往往缺少足够的科学性和有效性。通过对已有研究成果的分析和思考,发现学生评教普遍被认为具有多维结构,且在多个维度之上存在"总教学效果"的二阶因素。国外编制的学生评教工具更关注教学行为本身,主要从演讲者、推动者和管理者三种角色定义教师有效教学的维度。而在传统教育思想的影响下,我国学生评教的维度中还更加注意考察教师的道德和敬业精神等维度。 The teaching evaluation questionnaires,which are self-made by the teaching management departments,are widely used in universities.Their structures are not made based on science and validity.Some researches show that student evaluations of teaching effectiveness has a multi-dimensional structure and a second-order factor called 'general teaching effectiveness' over the dimensions.In the foreign multidimensional student rating forms,teaching is usually evaluated in terms of three roles: presenter,facilitator,and manager.However,the instruction behavior is the core of the evaluation.On the opposite,morality and professional ethics are added in Chinese student rating tools as two important concerns.
出处 《高教发展与评估》 CSSCI 2011年第6期33-38,134,共6页 Higher Education Development and Evaluation
关键词 学生评教 教学质量评价 教学效果评估 students' evaluation on teaching teaching quality evaluation teaching performance evaluation
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