
利用凝汽器循环水废热的热泵站用能分析 被引量:4

Energy utilization analyses of heat pump plant using waste heat of circulating water in a steam condenser
摘要 为了研究热泵回收电站凝汽器冷却水废热的用能情况,采用能流图分析了不同驱动能源的热泵站回收循环水废热的一次能源利用系数.结果表明:电动热泵供能系统总效率虽然仅比汽轮机热泵站总效率低2%,与燃气轮机热泵站持平,但电动热泵站牺牲了45.79%的发电量,若发电效率或热泵机组制热性能系数降低,可能出现本电站发电不够用的情形.而汽轮机和燃气轮机热泵站通过从外部引入一次能作为驱动能,其一次能源利用系数较电动热泵站分别高14.77%和17.00%.因此从能量利用角度看,燃气轮机热泵站和汽轮机热泵站优于电动热泵站. To study the energy utilization of heat pump station for the recovery of waste heat of circulating water in the steam condenser of a coal-fired power plant, the primary energy ratio of the heat pump stations driv- en by different energy sources for the reclamation of waste heat was analyzed through energy flow diagram. The results show that the electric heat pump energy-supply system consumes 45.79% electricity although the total efficiency of electric heat pump energy-supply system is only 2% lower than that of heat pump energy - supply system driven by steam turbine, as well as approximately equals to that of system driven by gas turbine. Moreover, the situation maybe occurs that the electricity generated by power plant is not enough to its heat pump station with the decrease of the electric generation efficiency and COP of heat pump. By contrast, the primary energy ratio of the heat pump stations driven by steam turbine and gas turbine reaches 1.57 and 1.60, 14.77% and 17.00% higher than that of electric heat pump station, respectively, because of introducing the primary energy exteriorly. Therefore, the beat pump stations driven by steam turbine and gas turbine are better than the electric heat pump station in energy utilization.
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期67-70,共4页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAJ03A05)
关键词 电站 热泵站 凝汽器循环水 驱动能源 能流图 power plant heat pump station circulating water of steam condenser driven energy energyflow diagram
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