目的探讨64排螺旋CT全肝灌注模式成像测定健康犬肝脏血流量的可行性及准确性。方法利用64排螺旋CT扫描仪,对12只健康中华田园犬行全肝灌注增强扫描,运用肝脏灌注分析软件计算得出时间密度曲线(TDC)及肝动脉灌注(HAP)、门静脉灌注(HPP)、总肝灌注(TLP)、肝动脉灌注指数(HPI)灌注彩图,并分别测定相应的灌注参数值以评价正常犬的肝脏血流动力学状态。结果各脏器绘制的TDC形态具有一定的规律性。计算得到HAP(28.25±2.19)mL/(min.100 g),PVP(53.53±10.71)mL/(min.100 g),TLP(81.78±18.56)mL/(min.100 g),HP(I0.30±0.16)%。结论 64排螺旋CT全肝灌注模式成像克服了以往灌注成像的不足,具有一定的优势,并且可以对健康犬肝脏进行准确的血流动力学测量。
[ Objective] The purpose of the study was to explore the feasibility and accuracy of quantifying the blood flow volume of liver in healthy canine. [Methods] Philips 64-slice spiral CT perfusion scans of liver were performed in 12 healthy dogs. The time-density curve was drawn and liver perfusion parameters were counted using specialized liver perfusion analysis software. [Results] Regularity was revealed in the curves of corresponding organs. The hepatic artery perfusion, portal vein peffusion, total hepatic blood flow, artery perfusion index were (28.25±2.19) ml/ (min·100 g), (53.53±10.71) mL/ (min'100 g), (81.78±18.56) mU (min’ 100 g) and (0.30±0.16)%, respectively. [Conclusion] It's feasible to quantitatively evaluate the hemody- namics of liver in healthy dogs at a 64-slice spiral CT, and the 64-slice spiral CT scans can overcome the deficiency of the past.
China Journal of Modern Medicine