在预应力钢筒混凝土管道(PCCP)的安装中,一般采用的安装方法有吊车导链拉入法、龙门吊入法、轨道拉进法和人字抱杆法等。文中主要针对禹门口东扩工程直径为2m的PCCP管,穿越汾河,基坑开挖深(深为14 m),地下水位高(高为3.0 m),流砂地层厚(层厚为7~10 m)的特殊情况,在无法采用一般安装方法的情况下,经过反复试验,采用挖掘机顶进,成功地解决了特定条件下PCCP的安装难题。
Ordinarily there are many methods to install PCCP,including pulling it by chain and crane or gantry crane,pulling it along track,hoisting it by A-framed derrick.But these usual methods can't be used to install the PCCP with a diameter of 2m in Yumenkou Easting Extend Project.Because the pipe's construction condition is very difficult.The PCCP passes under Fen River,the depth of foundation pit is 14m,the groundwater level is 3m,and foundation stratum is mobile sand,the depth of which is from 7m to 10m.Through many times' test,a method of pushing the PCCP by digger is adopted,and the hard nut of construction has been solved successfully.
Shanxi Hydrotechnics