

A Correlation Study on Well-being and Personalities of the College Student Volunteers for Sixteenth Asian Games
摘要 目的:探究广州亚运会大学生志愿者幸福感与其人格特征的状况及其关系。方法:应用总体幸福感量表和大五人格量表对336名广州亚运会大学生志愿者进行施测。结果:广州亚运会大学生志愿者中男生的总体幸福感得分显著高于女生(t=2.540,P<0.05),女生在宜人性、外向性、开放性、严谨性维度上的得分显著高于男生(P<0.01);来自城市的志愿者群体在开放性维度上的得分显著高于农村志愿者群体(t=3.668,P<0.001)。多元逐步回归分析显示,神经质、严谨性、开放性进入总体幸福感的回归方程,严谨性对总体幸福感有着显著正回归效应(Beta=0.359),而神经质(Beta=-0.486)、开放性(Beta=-0.109)对总体幸福感有着显著负回归效应。结论:不同背景的广州亚运会大学生志愿者的人格特征和幸福感存在不同程度的显著差异,人格特征与其总体幸福感及幸福感6个因子之间存在显著的线性关系。 Objective:To explore the status and correlation between well-being and personalities of the college student volunteers for sixteenth Asian Games.Methods:The General Well-Being Schedule and The Big Five Personality were done in 400 college student volunteers for Sixteenth Asian Games.Results: The scores of male in general well-being were significant higher than that of female(t=2.540,P0.05).The scores of the female were significant higher than the male in agreeableness,extraversion,openness to experience and conscientiousness(P0.01).The scores of college student volunteers from city were significant higher than those from country in openness to experience(t=3.668,P0.001).The neuroticism,conscientiousness and openness to experience were in the regression equation by the analysis of multivariate linear stepwise regression.The conscientiousness had significant positive regression effect to the general well-being(Beta=0.359),but the neuroticism(Beta=-0.486) and openness to experience(Beta=-0.109) had significant negative regression effect.Conclusions: There was significant difference in personalities and well-being of the college student volunteers from different background.There was significant correlation among their personalities,general well-being and 6 factors.
作者 张万英
出处 《中国民康医学》 2011年第21期2676-2679,共4页 Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health
基金 全国教育科学规划教育部青年课题(编号EEA100378)
关键词 广州亚运会 大学生志愿者 幸福感 人格特征 关系 Sixteenth Asian Games College student volunteers Well-being Personalities Correlation
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