

On the Loss and Reconstruction of School Principals and Teachers in the Education Reform
摘要 本文从校长访谈录入手,从校长自身的视角探讨了教育改革对校长和教师原有专业身份的冲击与影响,在简单回顾国内外相关研究成果的基础上,剖析了教师专业身份失落的原因,指出了教师专业身份重建的意义,并提出了一些可供参考的应对策略。 Starting from an interview with a principal during my ethnographic study of a private school,this paper discusses,from the principal's perspective,the impact of the educational reform on the professional identity of principals and teachers.Guided by the recent research outcomes on teacher identity,it analyzes the causes to teacher identity loss,and the significance for teacher identity reconstruction.Finally it proposes some solutions to the "identity" problem that principals and teachers face in the era of educational reform.
作者 肖善香
出处 《萍乡高等专科学校学报》 2011年第5期90-93,共4页 Journal of Pingxiang College
关键词 教育改革 专业身份 失落 重建 educational reform professional identity loss reconstruction
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